MELT & Tremoring (POP-UP)

Let's admit, it has been rough over the past few weeks. We are at an all time high of constant media, working on our business/work, and managing our personal lives. The old way of taking care of ourselves has expired - just like a dairy product.  It's time to find a different way to take care of your body so you can continue to do "the good work" without feeling heavy, overwhelmed, and burnt out.

MELT & Tremoring is a private pop-up offering that will help you elevate your self-care, regulate your nervous system, and discharge the stress from your body so you can get off from work and actually be OFF FROM WORK!



THURSDAY, October 24th

5:30PM - 7:30PM

18 Springs Community Healing Center

2424 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27106








Register Now $55

Discharge that tension in your body. Here's what we'll do:

Hand & Foot Treatment

We'll dig right into a full hand and foot treatment to target neck, shoulder, and lower back issues that arise from sitting, using our phones, and computers.

30 minutes

Soft Roller Techniques

We'll focus on hip, upper back, and neck pain. Giving more mobility so you can do day-to-day movements and roll out the tension from daily stress.

30 minutes

Mindful processing

This is the quiet you've been longing for ALL WEEK!!! You remember saying you're going to give yourself time to sit and just "BE"? Yeah, well, this is it.

15 minutes

What people are saying...

"I have done MELT and TRE in individual sessions, but never in a group so I was hesitant. However, with the previous experience I felt a little more comfortable and the other participants were open and respectful. Alexis was great as usual. I'm already signed up for the next class!"

~ Lauren

"I absolutely loved the atmosphere/space! I equally enjoyed the opportunity to learn new techniques and practice the ones that we’ve covered already. Very helpful for my at home practice."

~ Participant from March 2023

Alexis 1


Due to this being a space limited event, refunds for cancellations cannot be issued. All payments are final. Think real hard about your schedule and if you will be able to attend before committing financially.


Masks are optional. If you wish to wear a mask, you are welcome (and encouraged) to do so. This is a shame-free space for those who opt to wear a mask...and for those who opt to not wear a mask. Please consider and honor your own health needs in deciding to attend. 

Your registration for this class acknowledges the above and also agrees that if you are exposed to Covid, or are sick, then you will not attend this event.